
Change Chemistry members are champions and innovators in the fields of green chemistry and the production of safer chemicals, materials and products. Approximately 75% of CC members are individual companies and 25% are representatives from non-governmental organizations, local, state and federal government agencies, and consulting firms. All members agree to a set of guidelines and policies.

Top 10 Reasons to Join Change Chemistry

  1. Identify green chemistry technology needs throughout the supply chain 
  2. Discover the latest green chemistry technologies for specific industry applications  
  3. Learn about and connect to cutting-edge green chemistry research and technology development in universities and in startups 
  4. Learn and share best practices that can accelerate your green chemistry innovation program 
  5. Connect with industry leaders from a range of sectors and across the supply chain to exchange ideas and build new business partnerships 
  6. Get the latest information on green chemistry trends: market demand and growth, retailer initiatives, capital investments, chemical restrictions, regulatory risk and consumer demand 
  7. Tap into Change Chemistry’s broad network of contacts and expertise in green chemistry, environmental health and public policy 
  8. Identify technologies and chemical management strategies that can advance efforts to meet your corporate Sustainable Development Goals 
  9. Enhance your company’s brand reputation by demonstrating its commitment to green chemistry and sustainability 
  10. Receive priority registration and discounted registration for the annual Change Chemistry Networking Events